Dennis F
Incorrect orders constantly over two years. They do not care about their clients.
We were part of Anton Sport's smaller print to order division and we could not have had a worse experience. Every order we placed for ourselves, to see results, was incorrect. Every. Single. Time. Misprints, missing items entirely, etc. Plus numerous issues with our customers orders. Including completely forgetting about them. Even altering the artwork we sent them to be used in printing. Yes, they changed the artwork we had submitted for print without our knowledge. That seems absurd for a printing place to do. When we asked for it to be fixed they rush ordered us a new shirt with the same exact errors again.
We were not provided customer order records until sometimes three months late, making it impossible for us to make sure orders were carried out correctly for our customers. We were originally promised we would receive these every month.
Maybe it's different for bigger clients, but it is clear that this company did not care for us or the business we were bringing them, at all.
We were sold on using this company because of quality control and "small business" caring more about the customer. What we received was a joke with a printing warehouse that could not get a single order correct.
Any time we requested to speak to someone else at the company about these issues our rep would never give us any other point of contact so my only option is to leave this review and suggest others to look elsewhere.
We have finally transferred our business to another company and could not be happier to be rid of Anton and their lack of care for their customers.
Update to reply: completely incorrect. Let’s address the “one order of 7 shirts.” The first time this order shipped it was completely missing one of the shirts AND another one had its artwork altered from what we submitted and was printed wrong. The second shipment included the missing shirt and the same exact incorrectly printed shirt. Wrong twice in a row, same exact issue. This is one example of the problems we’ve had.
In addition, we have placed 5-7 orders for ourselves over the course of the time the store was open. I am not kidding, every single order had issue. Receiving a sweater instead of a shirt, completely missing items, wrong sizes and colors. EVERY. SINGLE. ORDER.
Given that we would not get records of what our customers ordered for up to 3 months later than promised, we can only go off of what was sent to us and have no way to track down every customer to make sure they actually received the proper order.
Though we still had customers contacting us because their orders either had printing issues or just never arrived until we had to contact our rep to get it checked on.
This was far from a one time error. It was a consistent problem over the entire course of dealing with your company.
I hope future customers find a better experience instead of a defensive minimization of the issue. Also “hundreds of shirts” is quite the exaggeration to make the issue seem much more rare than it was.
I feel that this rating is more than accurate from our perspective for the overall experience we received.